Garden in Eigeltingen, Germany

In 1995 we designed this large country garden near Lake Constance in Germany.  An existing complex of buildings was restored and the fields surrounding were remodelled to relate to the buildings.  Here we designed a new drive winding through woods. We recontoured the fields and the hill separating the houses from the main road and planted this thickly with trees to hide the road and quell the traffic noise.

We played a major part in planning the use and positioning of the existing buildings.  We also designed a series of gardens within and around these buildings, overlooking the newly-planted landscape and the newly-designed lake.  The layout of the buildings created an internal courtyard, which we divided with yew hedges into four gardens with a central pool. More gardens were designed to link and relate to the newly-built Turkish pavilion and swimming pool garden.

We continue to oversee the maintenance and development of this garden.