Garden in Isle of Wight

Situated on top of a cliff and overlooking the eastern approach to the Solent, Isle of White, the house has wonderful sea views, but is exposed and windblown.  The approach and parking were inadequate for modern living and the gardens needed a complete redesign, including improving and extending the planted areas.

The brief was to design the masterplan for gardens and landscape.  This constituted the redesign of the approach to the house, various terraces, large herbaceous borders and several other small gardens around the house with yew hedges dividing the space.  Extensive tree planting was specified, including pleached Quercus ilex lining a spring walk and other small gardens, and more quercus to surround a hidden car park.

We planned large areas of long grass and wildflowers with paths winding through and leading to the edge of the cliff and the woodland below.  The need to keep open views and the special spirit of place was paramount.